Monday, September 24, 2012

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button

Hey Manscapers. (And all you cheeky women out there who read my blog week-to-week. You know who you are. And I love you all the same)

I would firstly like to point out that it's only taken me a YEAR but I'm finally recouping from jet lag! YES! Ok, it's only been 12 days, but still... That's a long time to adjust to a new sleep schedule.

For those of you who are unaware, or who have just tuned into this blog, I just recently moved back to sunny (I wish) Folkestone, Kent for the next 6 months. You'd think after living in the UK on and off for four years and traveling back and forth all that time, I would know how to best get over jet lag. Yet, alas, here I sit having finally conquered the mad best after a record-breaking long length of 12 days. (For the record, I would just like to point out that if you plan on traveling to a time zone that is 7+ hours different than the one you're used to, don't sleep the first two days you arrive. It completely SCREWS your body clock...) Anyway, I digress. I know you are all waiting with bated breath to discover what nugget of fashionist-er truth I shall be uncovering this week, so I will keep you waiting no longer.

In the UK the trends seem to be a season (or 4) ahead of the U.S., especially where I'm from in good ole' Idaho (yee-haw!), but that doesn't mean you all should be left out of the loop. I know that most of my readers come from the United States with some from the UK mixed in so I try to keep all my posts relevant to both countries while keeping my US peeps informed. (Are you keeping up? I think I just lost myself...) There is a big trend going on in the UK culture right now that I think you all should be aware of. It's been showing up since at least last year at this time (if not sooner) so I think it's time all of you in the great U. S. of A. should be let in on a little fashion secret: The top button button. I know I just repeated the word 'button' twice. It's that great.

Now before you go throwing your cuff links at me in outrage, hear me out.

When I first saw some people walking around with their top button done up and no tie on, I almost wanted to walk up to them and ask if they realized they left the house without their most apparent accesory. Of course, after seeing multiple people walk by with the same top button buttoned, I realized it was an up-and-coming trend.

The beauty of it is there are so many ways to wear it, make yourself stand out that bit more, and just look, well, fresh.

Now before you scroll down and check out the examples I have, I would just like to point out that I had every intention of photographing myself in these outfit choices, but I ran out of time (it's my fault for waiting until the last minute to post the blog... maybe I'll learn next week), so you get to look at professional models in professional clothing with professional photographers instead. You're welcome.

*disclaimer: I own NO rights to these photos nor do I pretend I do. They are the copyright of the photographers themselves. Cheers.*

Here we have exhibit A:

Just look at this boys swag as he struts down that cobble stone with his wannabe Ray Bans and his shirt buttoned all the way. He looks summery, ready to party, and fresh all at the same time. Who doesn't want to be this guy?


Exhibit B:

Just a casual stroll along the sea looking like a BOSS in the sunset.

Exhibit C:

You can even add a blazer to make the look a little dressier. A tie is NOT needed for this to be complete. BOOM!

See? There are many great ways to wear this look. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a good picture of this worn under a crew neck sweater, but that looks completely swag-alicious as well. (woah, I need to calm down with my word-age...) Don't forget a long-sleeved button up untucked with skinny jeans, too. There is no wrong way to wear the top button button button top shirt. Be encouraged to step out of your comfort zone a little and stand out from the crowd. Heads will turn and people will swoon over the extent of your coolness. You just wait.

You heard it here first, Manscapers. Button up those top buttons, leave the ties at home, and go out into the world. How will you wear it? Make sure you comment and, as always, comment/ email ( with any questions, concerns, or ideas for future posts!

Keep lookin' good!!

*as a little side note, I couldn't help but post this picture. As I was looking for great photos of top button button for this post, I came across this COMPLETE stud of an older gentleman. I've officially discovered who I strive to be like when I'm older. Look at those tattooed arms, stylish clothes, and awesome hair cut. He's lookin' good. REAL good.*


Monday, September 17, 2012

Oi, Noah! Where's the flood?!

"Great style usually happens when you break the rules." -Jack, stylist for J. Crew

Hey Manscapers,

I hope you all have had a fantastic week full of daily moisturizing! Yes, I just went there. Does your skin feel as nourished and smooth as mine does? I'd rather not find out for myself but I'll take your word for it...

With this weeks post, I've decide to expand on a subject I've already eluded to. With my first post, as some of you remember, I discussed the current fashion trend of rolling up your trousers in respect to having the 'no socks with shoes' look. Well, today, I'm making the look complete by giving you all the advice (and probably more) you've been craving on that perfect 'trouser roll.'

Before I begin, I would just like to clarify the reason I will refer to trousers as... well.. trousers. You see, I have lived in the UK for the better part of the last 4 years and have quite an audience from this area and greater Europe. This being said, what American's refer to as 'pants' are undergarments in this part of the world. Therefore, I shall henceforth refer to the article of clothing that covers your legs as trousers so there is no dispute or confusion. Thank you.

First of all, where was this style when I was growing so fast my trousers seemed to perpetually sit that awkward half inch above my shoe?! You know that stage where your trousers just seem to always 'hover?' Yikes. I'm having flash backs of being asked, "Hey Noah, expecting a flood? I see you're wearing your HIGH WATERS!" Wow. The ingenuity of kids' taunts never cease to amaze me.

Right. Back to trouser rolling.

Now, when wearing a pair of trousers you would like to roll, it's important you use either straight, straight/slim, slim, or skinny fit trousers. The reason being is with these trousers the cut line is created so that they fit well in the bum and thighs and then the line of the trouser goes either straight down or in from the knee to the ankle. This cut tends to lengthen the look of the leg (depending on how tight  it fits through the calve, mind you) and won't be baggy near the shoe. I'm not saying everyone needs to go as drastic as to wear a skinny jean, because frankly I would never suggest that, but at least straight legged trousers should be used. By using a trouser with these cuts, you won't get a lot of extra bagginess in the area that's rolled. (That would look kind of dumb if you were walking around and had a huge hoop of material suspended above your shoe that didn't touch your ankle on any side... Let's be honest.)

Also, Manscapers, don't be deceived. There are many ways to roll up your trousers. If you don't feel comfortable or wanting to try the 'no sock' look then there are many ways you can stick with this trend in your own comfort zone.  When wearing boat shoes, loafers with the 'no sock' look, or any canvas shoe, I tend to roll my trousers about two to three inches above the shoe line to accentuate the roll and show a bit of ankle. This look is more of a summery/beachy/European look but may be warn other parts of the year as well; depending on where you live and the weather.



If you prefer to have a trendy look without looking as if you're preparing for a flood and want to wear a full sock, feel free to either roll your trousers a single time, cuffing them at the bottom about 2/3 inches, or just make a small 1 inch roll two or three times. Just until the fabric rests on the top of your shoe. This can be done with jeans over kicks/vans/canvas shoes or even ironed on the creases with dress trousers and proper shoes for a smarter look. For instance, I was riding the underground in London the other day when I spotted a well dressed gentleman with his wife in a grey blazer, steal blue button up, and khaki trousers rolled twice so they just rested at the top of his brown oxford dress shoes. I'm still kicking myself for not taking a picture because it looked great! If you're going for a dressier look, iron the creases so they have a crisp look.

Another thing to keep in mind, as well, is if you feel that your trousers are too baggy when you roll them up, even if they're slim fit, you can 'tight roll' them. Do this by pulling out the fabric from your leg and folding over the extra (parallel to your leg) prior to rolling to create a slimmer look.

Just keep in mind, there is no wrong way to roll! You can do a single cuff at alternate widths, multiple folds with 1/2" to 2" thickness, tight rolls at alternate thickness, etc. The trouser world is your oyster! Try it with regular shoes, dress shoes, or loafers. The trick is to take the bagginess that would normally crowd around your ankle away, giving your legs a longer, thinner appearance. What are you waiting for?! Go roll! Give it a shot and please let me know what you think. Send me a picture or two even!!

As always, keep in mind that looking good is mainly being confident in what you're wearing. Own it, whatever you do.

Please comment and don't forget to subscribe! Email any questions, comments, pictures, suggestions, or random 'hellos' to and don't forget to keep lookin' good!

Monday, September 10, 2012

No One Wants to Cuddle a Cactus!

Hey Manscapers,

Before I begin, I would like to start by giving my amazing friend Deidre Miller a HUGE shout out for the incredible layout! It's still under construction a little bit, but I love what she's done to make my ideas a reality. Thank you, Deidre for keeping my blog look fresh! *because we both know I have no idea where to start* Make sure you click her button on the left hand side of the screen to check out her witty, fun, charming, funny, incredible blog on just about anything.

Good news! As this is my last post from the States for a while, you will be receiving updates from me a LOT earlier in the coming weeks. For those of you that didn't know, I'm flying back to the UK for 6 months tomorrow, so posts will have lots of great taste and British flavor for a while.

As far as this week goes, I know I promised to produce something *handy* for you but, alas, due to some scheduling issues, I've had to push that particular post back a couple weeks. In its wake, I've decided to attack an issue that I believe most men struggle with and often don't even know is an issue. Some of you will know what I'm talking about; dry skin.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying all men should be so oiled-up that they may slip from your grasp when you go in for a hug, (I just got a mental picture of an old, Russian body builder with too much spray tan and baby oil... gross. WHERE'S THE DELETE BUTTON FOR MENTAL PICTURES?!) but I don't want to feel as if half of the skin on my hand has been rubbed off by sandpaper when I go in for a 'high-five,' either. Surely there is a happy medium somewhere?! I'm sure many of you ladies who read this blog can attest to the fact that you don't want to snuggle up to a man with rough skin. I mean, who want's to cuddle a cactus, right?!

So I'm about to bring the 411 on the 'ish. (Yes, I just said that.) Moisturizing daily is important for your skin's health! Not only does it help regulate the natural oils that your body produces, it keeps your skin smooth, soft, healthy in the sun, and free from bacteria. I know you never thought it was so important, but wait for you mind to be blown!

Since our bodies are over 75% water, it is important to keep the moisture regulated. Our skin is made up of 15% moisture and when dried out can cause cracking and even bacteria growth in the skin. This dryness can lead to dehydration and infection in other parts of the body when bacteria and infection are then able to penetrate the skin. Whoa. My mind=blown. I don't know how you're feeling right now.

One other thing to keep in mind; who wants to look old and haggard at the age of, say, 30? You guessed right: no one! Dry skin is the biggest cause of wrinkle growth. Try to wrap your head around that one! Next time you look in the mirror and think that your mug is lookin' a bit haggard ask yourself the last time you put some moisturizing cream on it. If it's less than two days, take 30 seconds to change that. Simple!

Another tip: put on lotion as soon as you get out of the shower. By moisturizing your skin as soon as you've washed it, you will lock in the moisture that your body has started absorbing in the shower. If you wait until your skin is completely dry the moisture will have already evaporated. Another benefit of moisturizing directly out of the shower? You'll use about HALF of the lotion you normally would. By putting on lotion when your skin is still damp, your skin will have less capacity to hold new moisture. Thus leaving less lotion to be absorbed with the same amount of moisture being locked in. BOOM! Life changed yet? I'm still going.

Many guys argue that they don't moisturize because they don't want to smell like a girl, but keep in mind that not all daily moisturizing lotions are scented. There are many great moisturizing lotions out there that either have minimal or no scent at all. (They even have ones with masculine scents!) Try not to choose a super cheap/ value brand moisturizer as they oftentimes just sit on the skin and your body has trouble absorbing them. Try to pick something that is of slightly higher quality or advertizes that it will continue to increase your skin's moisture as the day progresses. (Vaseline makes some great ones) Don't forget, if you try one that makes you skin feel too greasy or too dry, try another one. There is no try all, end all moisturizer. All of our skin types are different, but most moisturizers are pretty universal.

Hope that helps my Manscapers. Think on this, once you get into a routine of moisturizing after you get out of the shower, it will literally take less than a minute. It's all about forming habits. Plus, if all the great health and aging benefits haven't convinced you, I can't describe the amount of times people accidentally brush up against my arm and can't help touching my skin again because it's so smooth. (that sounded a lot creepier in print than it did in my head. Believe me when I say they are always attractive, movie star types. I wish.) I don't know anyone who isn't attracted to smooth skin. If nothing else, do it for the cuddle factor.

You heard it here first, Manscapers. It's all about lookin' good and feelin' good. As always, email me at or comment with any questions, comments, or ideas for future posts.

Don't forget to put in your email on the left hand side for email updates on new posts.

Keep lookin' good!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fair, Fun, and Fashion

Hey Manscapers,

First of all, I would like to give you all a huge shout out for the MASSIVE response and views I've received over the last week. Don't forget to subscribe so you can receive man-tastic updates every week!

This week, I was going to touch on a more 'handy' subject, (did I just elude to next week?! *gasp*) but thanks to my friend Jemme Rinard, I've decided to draw from the limited resource I have at my disposal before it is irrelevant: the Twin Falls County Fair.

Some of you may not have ever experienced the sights, sounds, smells, and savors of an American county fair, especially those in other countries, but let me tell you; you're missing out. There are fashion statements and people that come out of the woodwork that you have never seen, heard from, or been aware existed! I always feel as if I learn something new from every fair experience. Since most of you are unable to be here I thought I would share it with you. (Complete with a running commentary. You're welcome.)

*Disclaimer* If you've never experienced Country America Fashion, be prepared for plenty of Stetson cowboy hats and Wrangler jeans with cowboy boots. I've come to the realization that even though I may not endorse or succumb to certain style trends, they do exist in certain groups and I've decided to highlight one of them here. Embracing your roots and all that jazz, right? Blah blah blah...

Fashion statement for any fair #1. The baseball cap.

It doesn't matter if it's new, old, red, pink, blue, tattered or second hand. Just grab anything with a bill and shove it on your head. It doesn't matter what you wear it with because you're just keeping that bald patch from getting a sunburn anyway, right?

#2. The cowboy look.

Whether you're an avid rodeo-er or if this is your first 'rodeo' (like what I did there?) adding a hat of any type gives you bonus points. Especially if it's a Stetson style cowboy hat. The bigger the better. These hats aren't only for Texas, after all.

#3. The jeans, boots, cowboy shirt, and even VEST outfit.

Warning: this is not for the faint of heart! Once you commit to this outfit, expect people to come up to you discussing barrel racing, bull riding, mutton busting, and steers. Either be prepared for lengthy discussion or at least Wikipedia everything before hand. Props to these plaid wearing, Wrangler wrangling, boot sporting, Stetson yielding fashionist-ers of their own right. I take my *cowboy* hat off to you.

 I would just like to throw in one more picture for you to scan. Taken at the Saturday night PRCA Rodeo. Look at all of those HATS! 

Even yours truly brushed off a little 'plaid' to embrace the country theme at the TFC Fair. 'Blue Jeans and Country Things,' until next year. *shout out to my good friend Devon for posing with me. It's always nice to have someone to pose with.* 

And there you have it. My ode' to all things red, white, and blue. (and plaid.) Although I don't encourage all these trends on a day to day basis, I recognize that they exist and recommend that whatever you do, rock it with confidence. It is my personal opinion that 75% of looking good is feeling confident in what you're wearing. (Unless, of course, it's a track suit. Kidding! Mainly...) Remember that at all times, Manscapers!

Thank you for letting me give a tribute to small town Idaho and all that the Twin Falls County Fair has to offer. (Thanks again, Jemme for the idea!)

If you had a guest appearance in any of my covert photos, I would like to say thank you for letting me use you as an example. Especially you, Devon.

Please tune in next week for something a bit more *handy* and relevant to fashion decisions you should be making to better your life on a day-to-day basis.

As always, please comment below or email me at: with your questions, suggestions for posts, or any other feedback.

Thanks for reading and keep lookin' good!