Monday, December 31, 2012

The New.

Hey Manscapers,

First of all, I APOLOGIZE for not posting last week! With the craziness of work, Christmas Eve shananigans, and adopted family time, it completely slipped my mind to write a post.

As this is New Year's Eve and I am currently being anti-social locked in my room as the party goes on without me, this post is going to be a little shorter than normal.

I know I always talk about Men's Fashion on the blog, but there is a stronger undercurrent to my posts that I hope you all get. Self-confidence is the most attractive thing anyone can possess. Although taking care of yourself, staying groomed, and picking out good outfits counts in part for your overall look, one of the best things you can do for yourself is figure out how to love being you; whatever that might mean. If you learn to love yourself, those around you will learn to love you even more.

Just a thought! Go into the New Year with a BANG!

As far as a fashion tip goes for today, I challenge all of you to pick at least ONE thing that I've talked about over the last couple weeks that the blog has been going and try it. Wear something new (in fashion) that you normally wouldn't. Stretch the walls of the box a bit. And above all, Keep Lookin' Good.

This next year I'm going to be bringing some changes to the blog, so keep checkin back every week to see what's going on.


I raise my glass to you all! Thanks for stopping by.

Here's to another chapter!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ugly Sweaters Don't Exist

Yo! Time for the favorite part of my week; Manscape time! You know you love it too. Don't lie to me. 

Hope you all have gotten an early start on your Christmas shopping! We always used to laugh growing up because my brother, Jeff, would always wait until the last couple days before Christmas (sometimes even Christmas Eve) to start hist Christmas shopping. START the shopping. Funnily enough, though, his gifts are always some of my favorites and he always managed to find a personal, creative gift that everyone loved. I don't know how he did it. Since being married, though, him and his wife are always some of the first in our family to be done shopping, I think. Funny how that happens. Also, sorry for picking on you yet again, Jeff. Haha! 

Are any of you men like my pre-reform brother? Are you going to wait until next Monday to start buying your gifts? I sure hope not. If so, I hope the force of my brother can be with you so you are still able to get gifts that everyone on your list will love. For me, personally, I had to get my family's gifts early this year so that I had time to send them. Transatlantic shipping takes a while, you know. 

Speaking of Christmas being 8 days away, (that's CRAZY!) I thought I would write about something fun this week; ugly Christmas sweaters. 

We've all been to the classic Ugly Christmas Sweater (UCS) party and I'm going to take this weeks post to teach you how to look good wearing a UCS. (it's possible!) I'll then share some of my favorites that I've seen on the net. 

First of all, when preparing/wearing your Christmas sweater, start by finding something so retro it's cool. 

If you have a base that's slightly cool, you'll always look better. Try to find something that still fits you well. If that's impossible, find something that so CLEARLY doesn't fit, it's cool. Just don't go for that middle awkward-almost-fits-but-doesn't stage. That's where it gets awkward and people just overlook your style. Capiche? 

Second, just because your sweater is hideous, doesn't mean the rest of you needs to be. 

Some people seem to think that a UCS party is a lets-all-look-ugly-and-awkward-together party. That is NOT the case. Even though you're wearing that ugly sweater does not mean you don't try with the rest of your clothing. Exactly the opposite; try harder. Make sure you take extra time doing your hair, picking out those jeans (preferably a dark wash) that fit just right, and fresh kicks to top off the outfit. I would suggest a brogue with skinny jeans or some high tops. Maybe even wear a button up under the sweater? Just a suggestion. 

Feel better about that UCS party now?? Now go make everyone jealous by how good you look in that same sweater that's supposed to make you shy away in shame. Then, continue to win the UCS contest by looking equally hottest/ugliest at the same time. It's possible. Like a Manscaper ever shies away from a challenge. Psht. 

Before you go, I promised pictures of favorites I've found on the google machine. 


Look at this guy. He's wearing baby blue and he's still got swag. 


If all else fails, grow a beard. 


Look at this guy; he has dogs on his shirt and he's still smiling like he knows somethin we don't. 


Finally, the turtleneck bros. Their looks of sarcastic displeasure show that secretly they know they look better than everyone in their grandmother's hand-me-downs. We know it too. 

Jeff? You and me next year? Deal. 

Alright, Manscapers. You heard it here first. Rock those UCS parties like there's no tomorrow. 

And as always, Keep lookin' good. 

Monday, December 10, 2012


Hey all,

As I sit here bundled up in front of a humming space heater with my furry winter jacket on INSIDE, I have come to one conclusion; I much prefer warmer climates. Don't get me wrong, I love the winter, snow, and all the sports that come along with it, but I just don't like feeling as if my bones are going to crack and shatter like an icicle if I fall. Just sayin.

That aside, I shall try to think warm thoughts and use my shivering to advantage of typing. Hopefully the shaking will increase my wpm.


This week, I was reminded of an art that I haven't experienced in over 6 months. One that has a feminine stigma in the health world that I would like to disprove once and for good. I'm speaking of the art of massage.

You see, for some reason, it seems the pop culture is for women to go for 'spa days' and leave their husbands to watch football while they get massages, treatments, and relax. Now I'm not in any way saying that all men should run to their nearest day spa for a time of extreme pampering, (unless that's your thing, of course) I'm just saying that it is so good for mental and physical health to visit a trained masseuse as often as you can allow.

Having a massage isn't 'feminine' at all. It plays a huge part in mental and physical health. Many times, people see massage as a treat - something that they do when they're so stressed out they feel as if a mid life crisis is impending. It should really be treated as more of a maintenance activity, though.

As I mentioned earlier, I had gone over 6 months without a massage. Being so tall and struggling occasionally with posture, I oftentimes get extreme tightness in the middle of my back. Having a regular session with a masseuse incredibly helps. Not only this, but it's extremely stress relieving and relaxing.

Among loosening any problematic knots you may have, massage can flush toxin from your body, encourage blood flow, lessen your dependency on medication, heighten your immune system by stimulating  lymph flow... I could go on and on and on. Needless to say, it is much more than just a 'girlie treatment.' 

Some people have said to me, 'but do I have to get undressed?!' Well, yes. The thing is, there is some above-towel work done, but many of the techniques need to be done directly on the skin. When I first went for a massage, I was incredibly nervous. I wondered should I leave my boxers on? Take them off? Should I bring shorts to wear? Am I going to look like an idiot? What is going to happen? Rest assured, I can assure you any good masseuse just wants you to feel comfortable. If you feel most comfortable wearing a pair of shorts, I'm sure they will comply. Although, things are extremely professional if you're worried about personal privacy. Before every appointment, I have always been asked by the masseuse which areas I was comfortable with them working and how close I was comfortable with them getting to my.. well.. bum. No other way to say it, really. Another point to make, anytime an area is worked on, the rest of the body is completely covered. The weight and heat of the covers helps to further relax you, in my opinion. I'm sure there is a technical reason for the cover, but I just like the security of it all. 

These points being said, I hope you all will at least consider booking an appointment with a local masseuse. If you're unaware of a good one, ask around. Word of mouth is the best advertisement. Myself, I visited the extremely talented Laura England and plan on continuing my visits. (Let me know if you want her Facebook to set up an appointment.) If your nervous, just give it one try. Or book a half-hour appointment instead of a full hour. I guarantee you will feel refreshed and relaxed. Take some time for YOU this season. In the end, it will help you look and feel younger, fresher, and more alive. 

As always, comment or email to with any questions, comments, or ideas for future posts. Go try a massage! 

Keep lookin' good. Stay warm! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

T-shirt not Z-Shirt!

Hey all you Manscapers,

First of all, this is a little bit off topic, but I just wanted to share something I'm excited about. I've recently discovered the album "Merry Mixmas" that I think you all should go check out. Here's a little sample:

Basically, these DJ's have compiled remixes of all your favorite Christmas classics. It's awesome. Go check it out.

Moving onto the subject of today's post, I'm going to talk about something that gets a little overlooked in the fashion industry, yet something that's been around forever; the simple 't'.

From the 50s grease monkeys wearing a plain white t and a leather jacket to the 90s men with a perm wearing a plain white t and... well... a leather jacket. You get the point... A plain coloured t-shirt is a classic that's always going to look good. The important thing to remember is style, cut, and color.

When I'm choosing a t-shirt I, first of all, never choose something that's going to come in a pack of multiples. If you're going to be wearing it as an outfit piece with a pair of jeans or trousers, you want a t-shirt that's been custom tailored individually. I don't want something that's going to be the same fit/size/colour no matter whether I buy 1 or 100. I would rather pay the same for 1 t-shirt that looks good than 3 that just look 'ok'.  When you try on the shirt, make sure it hangs nicely but not too baggy away from the torso. You want a shirt that gently hugs the biceps, shoulders, and down through your upper back, and then slim lines down to your waist without hugging those last few twinkies you ate. Know what I'm sayin? You don't want to look as if you're wearing a plastic bag. If in doubt, hold up the shirt before you try it on. If it looks like a 'T' with no shape, put it back down. It should be wider at the top, slim in around the mid torso area, and taper out just slightly around the waist.

With the cut of the t-shirt, you need to take your body type into account. If you're short and slightly overweight, (be honest with yourself, gentlemen. There's no judgement here. We all know it's the holidays.) don't go for a shirt that is SUPER long or it'll make you look shorter. The perfect mid-length t-shirt drops just below the line of where your hands go in your pockets. You want to make your torso look slimmer by lengthening your t-shirt without making your legs look stubby.

If you're tall, it's really similar. You want to buy a longer 'T' because it'll hang higher on your body. (shocker, I know.) You still want to aim for the just-below-the-pocket-line stance because that won't make it look like you're wearing a belly shirt when you life up your arms, but don't want to drown in it either.

The more you struggle with curviness, the more you want to lengthen your shirt slightly. Just make sure it doesn't look like your wearing a baggy sack or you'll look gangsta. For my slightly heavier readers, don't make it look as if you're trying to hide something under there. You can still find clothes that slim you out without being SUPER tight. Just follow my guidelines above by finding a more fitted shirt and you'll be fine. Stick with the right below the pocket guide and you'll be fine. If your t-shirt covers the entire crotch of your trousers, it's too low. Keep that in mind.

When looking at colour, darker and more earthy tones seem to be in at the moment. You can't go wrong with a plain back, dark blue, or brown shirt. Depending on the colours you like to wear, those are always classics. All sorts of grays and blues are also a favorite of mine. Find something you look comfortable in that doesn't look like it should just be worn under another shirt. Ya know? You can tell when a guy is wearing an undershirt as a regular t-shirt. The sleeves are super baggy, the colour looks too bleached, and the fabric seems too thin. Go for a nicer cut, maybe through a v-neck in there if you're feeling brave, and try rolling up the sleeves once or twice if you're looking for something fresh. 

Here's some pictures from one of my favorite stores, Zara,  for inspiration.






See how none of those shirts look like they came in a pack? Notice the detail like the hemming around the colar, sleeves, and bottom seam. It just looks higher quality. You can also tell that those materials are soft and thick just by looking at them. It pays to spend a bit more money on a classic. 

Well that's it. Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have questions, need clarification, or need any styling advice. Either comment or write to me at

Also, let me know what you want to see in this blog. No use in me writing about things you don't care about.

As always, keep lookin' good.