Monday, December 17, 2012

Ugly Sweaters Don't Exist

Yo! Time for the favorite part of my week; Manscape time! You know you love it too. Don't lie to me. 

Hope you all have gotten an early start on your Christmas shopping! We always used to laugh growing up because my brother, Jeff, would always wait until the last couple days before Christmas (sometimes even Christmas Eve) to start hist Christmas shopping. START the shopping. Funnily enough, though, his gifts are always some of my favorites and he always managed to find a personal, creative gift that everyone loved. I don't know how he did it. Since being married, though, him and his wife are always some of the first in our family to be done shopping, I think. Funny how that happens. Also, sorry for picking on you yet again, Jeff. Haha! 

Are any of you men like my pre-reform brother? Are you going to wait until next Monday to start buying your gifts? I sure hope not. If so, I hope the force of my brother can be with you so you are still able to get gifts that everyone on your list will love. For me, personally, I had to get my family's gifts early this year so that I had time to send them. Transatlantic shipping takes a while, you know. 

Speaking of Christmas being 8 days away, (that's CRAZY!) I thought I would write about something fun this week; ugly Christmas sweaters. 

We've all been to the classic Ugly Christmas Sweater (UCS) party and I'm going to take this weeks post to teach you how to look good wearing a UCS. (it's possible!) I'll then share some of my favorites that I've seen on the net. 

First of all, when preparing/wearing your Christmas sweater, start by finding something so retro it's cool. 

If you have a base that's slightly cool, you'll always look better. Try to find something that still fits you well. If that's impossible, find something that so CLEARLY doesn't fit, it's cool. Just don't go for that middle awkward-almost-fits-but-doesn't stage. That's where it gets awkward and people just overlook your style. Capiche? 

Second, just because your sweater is hideous, doesn't mean the rest of you needs to be. 

Some people seem to think that a UCS party is a lets-all-look-ugly-and-awkward-together party. That is NOT the case. Even though you're wearing that ugly sweater does not mean you don't try with the rest of your clothing. Exactly the opposite; try harder. Make sure you take extra time doing your hair, picking out those jeans (preferably a dark wash) that fit just right, and fresh kicks to top off the outfit. I would suggest a brogue with skinny jeans or some high tops. Maybe even wear a button up under the sweater? Just a suggestion. 

Feel better about that UCS party now?? Now go make everyone jealous by how good you look in that same sweater that's supposed to make you shy away in shame. Then, continue to win the UCS contest by looking equally hottest/ugliest at the same time. It's possible. Like a Manscaper ever shies away from a challenge. Psht. 

Before you go, I promised pictures of favorites I've found on the google machine. 


Look at this guy. He's wearing baby blue and he's still got swag. 


If all else fails, grow a beard. 


Look at this guy; he has dogs on his shirt and he's still smiling like he knows somethin we don't. 


Finally, the turtleneck bros. Their looks of sarcastic displeasure show that secretly they know they look better than everyone in their grandmother's hand-me-downs. We know it too. 

Jeff? You and me next year? Deal. 

Alright, Manscapers. You heard it here first. Rock those UCS parties like there's no tomorrow. 

And as always, Keep lookin' good. 

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