Monday, October 29, 2012

i MUSTACHE you a question...

Hey Manscapers,

As I look at my blogger dashboard I keep noticing that on Monday morning my page views spike. This means that you all are getting into a rhythm and continue to log on to check to see if a new post is up. This makes me feel quite honored, people. I must apologize that my posts are normally quite late on a Monday... For those of you in the States, it's a little better. As I'm in the UK, I'm several hours ahead so at least you notice the post in the evening. For the rest of you, I really am sorry... I normally hit the 'post' button around 11:59 PM London time so you probs don't see it until Tuesday. I hereby pledge to try and write my posts earlier and not leave them 'till the last minute. I keep meaning to, but my weekends always get away from me and before I know it, manic Monday is upon me! Cheers to change!


Anyway, this weeks post is about something I am SUPER passionate about. Mustaches. Yes, I said it. I am a huge fan of a good 'stache and incredibly sad that I can't grow one myself. More than mustaches, though, I am a huge supporter of Movember.

If you're not familiar with the cause, head over to Movember US or Movember UK to get registered. Every year, thousands of men across the world rally to either not shave their entire face, or shave it into a wonderfully groomed 'stache to help raise awareness about the importance of men's health. It's a face-worn banner stating that as men we are rising to know our status on prostate and testicular cancer. Just as women are always talking about their women parts when it comes to 'pink' month, we're 'whippin it out' and showing our manhood; reppin it right on our faces. Sounds a lot better to me than wearing some frilly ribbon, right guys?! I'm just playing, girls. But seriously...

Anyway, the news keeps getting better. If you notice on the Movember website, this is not only to raise awareness, but also to raise funds to help with research into fighting testicular and prostate cancer. You can help by going onto the Movember page and joining the Manscape Monday team as we raise funds to help our fellow men. If you would like to donate, please go to the donate section of the website and search 'manscape monday' as the team to donate to a great cause. (or click here.) 

This is your call gentlemen. I'm challenging all of you to become a 'Mo Bro,' show those staches or beards, grab a beer, and help raise awareness about men's health. I encourage all of you to stay up to date with your health checks and encourage those around you to go see their doctors as well. The stache is our banner and conversation starter to help keep those around us aware. 

You have officially been invited into this club and hereby must not shave for the 30 days of November. Let's see those baby faces on Halloween promoting that blank canvas for the ever masculine 'staches to grow on. 

If you're a lady who wants to get involved for the men around you, don't worry. Even though you (hopefully) can't grow a mustache, you can become a Mo Sister and help to raise funds or donate. Head on over and register to be a part of the Manscape Monday team. Together, through our power staches, we can change the world. 

Knowledge is power, Mustache is king. 

Keep it real and send me some pictures of your baby faces and the progress of your 'stache. Go register to be a part of the team NOW! Do it. 

Keep lookin' good. (and stached-up.) 


OH, don't forget to subscribe by clicking 'join this site' to the left.

CHeers blood. Brrrrrrrat brrrrrrrrrrat. 

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