Hope you've had a great week full of darker skin, pumpkin spice lattes, and quality time with those closest to you. Mine has been quite similar. There's something about it being autumn and the rain becoming steadier (especially in Southeastern England) that makes you want to curl up indoors with your favorite men's fashion blog *cough cough* watching the rain... No? Well, it was worth a shot anyway.
Before I move on to this weeks topic, I thought it would be fun, in the spirit of October and all, to let you all in on a little discovery I've made this last week. Among my web searching for bigger and better web-based photo editing apps, I came across this wonderful site PicMonkey that, amongst other things, has just launched the capability to Halloween yourself! Brilliant, right? I thought so. So without further ado, this is what I would look like if I was a blood-sucking creature of the night.
...clearly I have too much time on my hands...
Cullens ain't got nuthin' on this! SUCKAS!!! *Literally... BAH! That's rich.*
If you have too much time on YOUR hands, or just want to see how you or your family members would look as different halloween-ey creatures, go check it out. It's completely free!
Ok, enough of that, it's time to get serious. This week I have taken time to dedicate this post to a topic I've had many requests on. It's finally relevant and something that many men take for granted; affecting households everywhere. Yes, you guessed it, it's hunting season.
As my brother, an avid hunter, was quick to point out by texting in all caps this week, DUCK SEASON started Saturday. Thanks for the heads up, Jeff, but I actually already knew that was opening day for Southern Idaho. (Are you impressed yet? You can take the boy out of the boonies....) Among duck season, I know that deer season has opened for some draws and more game and foul openings are on their way. Some of my readers may not be hunters (and not care) but just in case you ever want to try, or know someone who does, I thought it would be important to make sure you look good and don't make a fool of yourself when you decide to join.
First off, we need to discuss the fact that most avid hunters wear camo. I think we can all agree on this fact. As great as it looks in movies when the main characters go traipsing through the woods in a sweater vest, chinos, and wellies when they happen to stumble upon a deer mid conversation and take it down, that's not how it works in the real world, folks. Some avid hunters spend days painted, covered in leaves, out in the cold in a 'blind' waiting for that perfect moment to make their move. This is NOT how you spell fun to me, (that's more of h-e-l-l if you get my drift) but some really love the adventure, adrenaline rush, and satisfaction of stalking prey. *this is what separates districts 1 and 2 from the rest of the modern world, people. Yes, I just made a blatant Hunger Games reference.* Ok, I'm getting on a rant. Even though I don't make hunting a regular extracurricular I do support it and have gone with my brother and dad on multiple occasions and even enjoyed it occasionally. Gettin' deep here. My job here is to tell you how to continue to look good. Here we go.
When thinking of how you look hunting, it's important to remember that the whole point of camouflage is to blend in with your surroundings. (DUH!) That means woodland camo won't blend in if you're hunting in snow; just as brush camo won't work hunting ducks... I'm just sayin. Luckily, I've provided slides to help educate you on different types of camo.
Number 1: Woodland Camouflage.
This is probably the most recognizable camo when people go hunting. Made to blend in with surroundings in any woodland areas, make sure you look for leaf markings, twigs, debris, deep greens, and possibly bark print. You would most likely use this camo if you're going to be hunting something that may venture into the forest like deer, elk, bear, moose, etc. (Make sure you have your tags, gents. Don't want no arrests, now. Ya hear?!)
Number 2: Brush Camouflage.
Now, if any of you are reading from Idaho, brush camo is one that you will use quite often. As Idaho is thick with weeds, tall grasses, and sage brush. This will be a good pick for you. Look for camo highlighting grass stalks, light browns, sage greens, and dusty, beige colors.
Number 3: Wetland Camouflage.
Now THIS is something you want to break out if you're looking to join the flocks of people hunting flocks of ducks! (Ok, cheesy joke, I know. It's late and I couldn't resist.) This is my brother's personal favorite type of camo. Look for TALL grass prints, cattails, grey water occasionally, and browns mixed with greens. Check out that Duck Hunting Hummer. *insert witty quacking joke here. I'm lost for words*
Finally, Number 4: Winter Camouflage.
Now, in my opinion, this camo looks the coolest. I won't lie to you, if someone bought me that winter jacket I'd probably wear it. Maybe...
When hunting in winter, it's important that you're using lots of white camo mixed with harsh lines to blend in with your surrounding tree-twigs. You can't really see it in the top picture because it went fuzzy, but that is a LEGIT picture where the deer walked right up to that man who was staked out in the woods blending right in. BAM! Poor Bambi, he just lost his mommy. (Ok, that was too far. That guy blends right in, though. Don't believe me? Google it! )
Yes, well there you have it. Now that you're educated on the different types of camo, please don't mix and match. Also, remember you don't always have to be completely head to toe in camo. If you want to mix a solid in there, just make sure it comes from the same color spectrum as your camo. (same browns, greens, whatever.) My main objective in making you aware is that there will be less and less fashion faux pas out in the field. If there's one thing animals can smell it's a fashion disaster. True story. Why do you think I don't hunt?! They'd be so attracted to me I'd bag my limit in the first half hour. Ok, that's totally a lie, but it'll make you think next time you go hunting to match! You know it will.
What's your favorite type of camo/ favorite animal to hunt, manscapers? What will YOU be sporting this season?! Leave a comment and let me know!
I realize this has been a bit of a different post this week but it's a tribute to all things IDAHO that I love and miss from my home state/country. Sending well-wishes to all of you who will be leaving your wives to face the cold, early mornings of hunting this season. PLEASE stay safe and, as always, keep lookin' good!
If you have any suggestions for future posts/ things you'd like to know PLEASE comment/ email me at manscapemonday@gmail.com.
Ok, just one last photo to leave you with in honor of my hunting bro. He was gearing up for hunting season by using his waders to work on some sprinkler projects.. Who can match which camo type he's wearing based on my descriptions?! Leave a comment! (also, jeff... Next time you match a shirt with your waders, use a neutral color found in the same palate as your camo. A beige, brown, or deep green would have worked great here. Just trying to help you out, bro. You stay sexy! ;)
Number 3 - Wetland is my final answer! I may or may not have just gone through the Cabela's Camo Pattern Guide because you sparked my interest with all the different types lol :-) How great are Jeff's boots?!
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