Monday, January 14, 2013

Nail those Nails...

Alright Manscapers,

As I was speaking with a client  this week, she brought to my attention a growing (literally) problem with her husband. His finger nails are never trimmed or clean.

Now, as someone who can't stand to have much nail at all, the thought of having dirty, long nails has never even popped into my head. Hearing it from her, though, I realized I needed to address the issue.

First of all, a shot of my fingers for you all to look at. 


I know they're not even the cleanest or most manicured in the world but, to be honest, most guys aren't going for a manicured look anyway. We don't want to have girly hands. It is possible to have good looking hands without achieving girl status, though. 

First step to clean fingernails: 

Cut them! 

I know this may sound a bit elementary, but if you cut your nails regularly, there won't be as much nail for dirt to get stuck under. (shocking, I know.) Going for a snip snip before you go to bed a couple times a week will do wonders. 

A good rule of thumb (heh heh) for nail trimming is if you look straight down over the nail and can't see any skin at all, your nails are too long, gents. Look up at my nails. Now back to me. Now at my nails. Now back to me. Do the whites of my nails out grow where the skin shows? Nope. That's the point. 

Also, it doesn't hurt to use a nail file (they're not just for girls, promise) to smooth away those rough edges. It doesn't need to be pink or polka-dot. There are many great male grooming kits that have a nail file and clippers. Just sayin. 

Step numero dos: 

Clean them! 

A lot of guys forget that clean nails look a LOT more attractive, don't gross people out, and make you look a lot cleaner in general. There is nothing worse than taking money from someone (I used to work at Starbucks) and they hand over their cash with grubby fingernails. Sort it out, guys! 

You can get great fingernail brushes to leave on your sink when you wash your hands. Just rub the brush along the front of your nails and it'll clean them right up. 

Another good option is to get a nail file with a point on it to get any dirt that may really be lodged in there.

*helpful hint* cleaning your nails after a shower makes it a LOT easier as they are soft and pliable. Just sayin. 

And number three: 

Moisturize. No one wants to see gross, cracked fingers. Use a little lotion when they feel really dry. You can always get an unscented lotion if you're worried about any feminine smell. A little goes a long way. 

Does that help, guys? Hope you all feel even more empowered to clean up those nails and get your hands lookin' good. Don't let them get abandoned! All the cashiers in your life (and your significant others, I'm sure) will really appreciate it. 

That's all for now. Until next week, keep lookin' good! 

And feel free to comment, like, tell your friends, subscribe, and all that good jazz. 


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