Monday, October 29, 2012

i MUSTACHE you a question...

Hey Manscapers,

As I look at my blogger dashboard I keep noticing that on Monday morning my page views spike. This means that you all are getting into a rhythm and continue to log on to check to see if a new post is up. This makes me feel quite honored, people. I must apologize that my posts are normally quite late on a Monday... For those of you in the States, it's a little better. As I'm in the UK, I'm several hours ahead so at least you notice the post in the evening. For the rest of you, I really am sorry... I normally hit the 'post' button around 11:59 PM London time so you probs don't see it until Tuesday. I hereby pledge to try and write my posts earlier and not leave them 'till the last minute. I keep meaning to, but my weekends always get away from me and before I know it, manic Monday is upon me! Cheers to change!


Anyway, this weeks post is about something I am SUPER passionate about. Mustaches. Yes, I said it. I am a huge fan of a good 'stache and incredibly sad that I can't grow one myself. More than mustaches, though, I am a huge supporter of Movember.

If you're not familiar with the cause, head over to Movember US or Movember UK to get registered. Every year, thousands of men across the world rally to either not shave their entire face, or shave it into a wonderfully groomed 'stache to help raise awareness about the importance of men's health. It's a face-worn banner stating that as men we are rising to know our status on prostate and testicular cancer. Just as women are always talking about their women parts when it comes to 'pink' month, we're 'whippin it out' and showing our manhood; reppin it right on our faces. Sounds a lot better to me than wearing some frilly ribbon, right guys?! I'm just playing, girls. But seriously...

Anyway, the news keeps getting better. If you notice on the Movember website, this is not only to raise awareness, but also to raise funds to help with research into fighting testicular and prostate cancer. You can help by going onto the Movember page and joining the Manscape Monday team as we raise funds to help our fellow men. If you would like to donate, please go to the donate section of the website and search 'manscape monday' as the team to donate to a great cause. (or click here.) 

This is your call gentlemen. I'm challenging all of you to become a 'Mo Bro,' show those staches or beards, grab a beer, and help raise awareness about men's health. I encourage all of you to stay up to date with your health checks and encourage those around you to go see their doctors as well. The stache is our banner and conversation starter to help keep those around us aware. 

You have officially been invited into this club and hereby must not shave for the 30 days of November. Let's see those baby faces on Halloween promoting that blank canvas for the ever masculine 'staches to grow on. 

If you're a lady who wants to get involved for the men around you, don't worry. Even though you (hopefully) can't grow a mustache, you can become a Mo Sister and help to raise funds or donate. Head on over and register to be a part of the Manscape Monday team. Together, through our power staches, we can change the world. 

Knowledge is power, Mustache is king. 

Keep it real and send me some pictures of your baby faces and the progress of your 'stache. Go register to be a part of the team NOW! Do it. 

Keep lookin' good. (and stached-up.) 


OH, don't forget to subscribe by clicking 'join this site' to the left.

CHeers blood. Brrrrrrrat brrrrrrrrrrat. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

From Pinterest to Wardrobe, the Best £20 I've Spent in a While

Hey Manscapers,

First off, I would just like to inform you all of the best thing that has happened to me today. Red by Taylor Swift is finally out! I know, some of you nay-sayers may be hatin' on TSwift, but I would just encourage you to sit back, soak in her auto-tuned ballads, and enjoy the finer things in life. I happen to be a huge Swift fan and love her new album; especially the collab with British acoustic superstar Ed Sheeran. It has been playing on loop in my office all day. The simple things in life. You can find it at any Target, Walmart, or Papa John's Pizza (no idea what marketing had going with this one... Maybe when you've stopped to eat your feelings with pizza after your latest breakup you can pick up some tunes to set the mood? I dunno...) if you're in the States. And, of course, it's always available for download on iTunes. DO IT!

Alright, getting on with my crazy tips and news for this week.

I don't know if any of you, or your significant others, are on Pinterest, but I personally love it. It's a great way for me to stay up to date with the latest men's fashion trends, how to's for styling, great recipes, or any other random thing that you didn't realize you wanted to know until you saw it on Pinterest. (Yes, that's right. I reupholstered 8 dining room chairs last week for £10. Thank you Pinterest!)  Well, one trend that has been frequenting my Pinterest feed has been a style that happens to be one of my personal favorites; the casual blazer.

If you happen to be a 'jeans and t-shirt' kind of guy don't let this scare you. I'm not asking you to all of the sudden start donning a suit everyday. All I'm saying is that the ladies love it when their man looks fresh at all times and it doesn't hurt to make an effort once in a while. When paired with a pair of slim fit jeans, dress shoes, and a nice solid colored neutral t-shirt, the blazer can add class to any man's style. It is important, though, to follow certain steps to make sure you find a blazer that is fitted for you.

First, you want to first make sure that the blazer fits you in the shoulders. A baggy blazer can take a look that should be classy and make you look like you're trying to hard. Make sure that the collar sits at the base of your neck and the shoulder seam stops at the end of your REAL shoulder. Next, make sure the upper back fits right. You want the fabric to stay taught but not pull. If any strain on the outward seams is shown while standing with your arms down (it will also create horizontal indents in the fabric) the fit is too narrow. Likewise, if it sags away from your body, it is too wide.

When looking for a blazer, no matter what body type you happen to be, you want to make sure it has shape. A blazer that hangs straight down is not going to be flattering on anyone. Once you have the shoulders and upper back fit, make sure it tapers in around the waist (near your belly button) and then goes back out slightly to sit down past your hips. If you have a bit 'more to love' around the mid section, try to go for a slightly longer cut blazer. It will elongate your torso and make you look naturally thinner.

While I'm on this note, keep something in mind, gentlemen. If you have a bit more weight on you, don't hide behind baggy clothing and don't try to fit into too-tight clothing either. When choosing a blazer it should still tick all of the boxes I've mentioned here. It is especially important for you men to find blazers with a fitted mid section because they will naturally make you look slimmer. Make sure that they fit snug but don't hug. The blazer, when the top button is buttoned, should just rest against your midsection. If it is pushing your stomach in it is too tight and if it doesn't rest against your stomach it is too loose. When in doubt, find a blazer that fits in the shoulders, even if it's too big around the waist, and have it taken in. Spending a little extra on an alteration can do WONDERS for the way blazers fit and make you look. There is nothing like the attractiveness of a well-tailored man. I guarantee any woman would agree with me.

For those of you on the thin side, think likewise. A fitted blazer can actually GIVE you shape and take the focus on your bean-pole appearance. (I'm speaking from first hand experience here.) Look for a blazer with harsher shoulder lines and a slight flare at the base. (And by slight I mean SLIGHT. This is not the 70s after all.) Then, once again, make sure it is fitted through the waist; don't hide under baggy clothes to try to look 'bigger!' By fitting the waist, it will give you the appearance of broad shoulders/chest, and wider hips with a trim waist. Just the look we're going for.

Once you've found the blazer, pair it with some dark fitting jeans, a nice solid colored t-shirt or button up, and don't forget DRESS SHOES. I don't want to see any tennis shoes with this look, guys. I'd invest in a nice pair of brogues if I were you. They're in fashion currently and they're a classic that will stay around.

One other thing: if budget is a hitting block for you, look for ways of being fashionable on a budget. I, personally, love charity (thrift in the US) stores. It can be overwhelming with all the 'tat' but if you can search through all the rubbish to find one treasure it is completely worth it. Take me for example! This weekend I was thrift store shopping at some of my favorite charity shops in Canterbury when I stumbled upon an amazing blazer. The sleeves are a little short (shocker) but a popular look right now is to roll the cuffs and push up the sleeves so away I went! I was able to haggle the man down to £5! (about $8) The best part? I didn't even need to have it tailored. It fits me quite well!


Even if it would have been a little big, I know of a great alterations place that would have altered it for me for around £20. ($30ish) $38 would still be a huge bargain for a perfectly fitting blazer.

It's all about finding styles you like and improvising to make them happen. If you have the money, by all means shop at stores that fit blazers to you body type perfectly. I must tell you, though, it is NOT a requirement to be minted to look good.

You heard it here first.

Also, look at the AWESOME vintage briefcase I found at a vintage showcase for £15 ($25)!


I've been looking for a nice looking case to carry my laptop and ipad around that looked wintery and vintage. This bad boy was hiding under a pile of rubbish at a vintage clothing market. NEVER underestimate an opportunity to find re-usable clothing. 

I always tell myself, if I can walk away from the biggest thrift stores with one great item of clothing, it's been a success. There are always treasures among the rubbish. (gettin deep here!)

Alright, GO! Search the thrift stores and dept. stores. Find looks and blazers that fit you and be sure to comment to let me know your stories. Like I said, you don't need to be minted to look good! (When in doubt, find a great tailor near you!)

As always, let me know of any topics you'd like to see on the blog by commenting or emailing at

Keep lookin' good!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Wabbit season, DUCK season, Wabbit season, DUCK season!

Hey Manscapers,

Hope you've had a great week full of darker skin, pumpkin spice lattes, and quality time with those closest to you. Mine has been quite similar. There's something about it being autumn and the rain becoming steadier (especially in Southeastern England) that makes you want to curl up indoors with your favorite men's fashion blog *cough cough* watching the rain... No? Well, it was worth a shot anyway.

Before I move on to this weeks topic, I thought it would be fun, in the spirit of October and all, to let you all in on a little discovery I've made this last week. Among my web searching for bigger and better web-based photo editing apps, I came across this wonderful site PicMonkey that, amongst other things, has just launched the capability to Halloween yourself! Brilliant, right? I thought so. So without further ado, this is what I would look like if I was a blood-sucking creature of the night.


...clearly I have too much time on my hands...

Cullens ain't got nuthin' on this! SUCKAS!!! *Literally... BAH! That's rich.* 

If you have too much time on YOUR hands, or just want to see how you or your family members would look as different halloween-ey creatures, go check it out. It's completely free!

Ok, enough of that, it's time to get serious. This week I have taken time to dedicate this post to a topic I've had many requests on. It's finally relevant and something that many men take for granted; affecting households everywhere. Yes, you guessed it, it's hunting season.

As my brother, an avid hunter, was quick to point out by texting in all caps this week, DUCK SEASON started Saturday. Thanks for the heads up, Jeff, but I actually already knew that was opening day for Southern Idaho. (Are you impressed yet? You can take the boy out of the boonies....) Among duck season, I know that deer season has opened for some draws and more game and foul openings are on their way. Some of my readers may not be hunters (and not care) but just in case you ever want to try, or know someone who does, I thought it would be important to make sure you look good and don't make a fool of yourself when you decide to join.

First off, we need to discuss the fact that most avid hunters wear camo. I think we can all agree on this fact. As great as it looks in movies when the main characters go traipsing through the woods in a sweater vest, chinos, and wellies when they happen to stumble upon a deer mid conversation and take it down, that's not how it works in the real world, folks. Some avid hunters spend days painted, covered in leaves, out in the cold in a 'blind' waiting for that perfect moment to make their move. This is NOT how you spell fun to me, (that's more of h-e-l-l if you get my drift) but some really love the adventure, adrenaline rush, and satisfaction of stalking prey. *this is what separates districts 1 and 2 from the rest of the modern world, people. Yes, I just made a blatant Hunger Games reference.* Ok, I'm getting on a rant. Even though I don't make hunting a regular extracurricular  I do support it and have gone with my brother and dad on multiple occasions and even enjoyed it occasionally. Gettin' deep here. My job here is to tell you how to continue to look good. Here we go. 

When thinking of how you look hunting, it's important to remember that the whole point of camouflage is to blend in with your surroundings. (DUH!) That means woodland camo won't blend in if you're hunting in snow; just as brush camo won't work hunting ducks... I'm just sayin. Luckily, I've provided slides to help educate you on different types of camo.

Number 1: Woodland Camouflage. 


This is probably the most recognizable camo when people go hunting. Made to blend in with surroundings in any woodland areas, make sure you look for leaf markings, twigs, debris, deep greens, and possibly bark print. You would most likely use this camo if you're going to be hunting something that may venture into the forest like deer, elk, bear, moose, etc. (Make sure you have your tags, gents. Don't want no arrests, now. Ya hear?!) 

Number 2: Brush Camouflage. 


Now, if any of you are reading from Idaho, brush camo is one that you will use quite often. As Idaho is thick with weeds, tall grasses, and sage brush. This will be a good pick for you. Look for camo highlighting grass stalks, light browns, sage greens, and dusty, beige colors.

Number 3: Wetland Camouflage.


Now THIS is something you want to break out if you're looking to join the flocks of people hunting flocks of ducks! (Ok, cheesy joke, I know. It's late and I couldn't resist.) This is my brother's personal favorite type of camo. Look for TALL grass prints, cattails, grey water occasionally, and browns mixed with greens. Check out that Duck Hunting Hummer. *insert witty quacking joke here. I'm lost for words*

Finally, Number 4: Winter Camouflage.


Now, in my opinion, this camo looks the coolest.  I won't lie to you, if someone bought me that winter jacket I'd probably wear it. Maybe...

When hunting in winter, it's important that you're using lots of white camo mixed with harsh lines to blend in with your surrounding tree-twigs. You can't really see it in the top picture because it went fuzzy, but that is a LEGIT picture where the deer walked right up to that man who was staked out in the woods blending right in. BAM! Poor Bambi, he just lost his mommy. (Ok, that was too far. That guy blends right in, though. Don't believe me? Google it! )

Yes, well there you have it. Now that you're educated on the different types of camo, please don't mix and match. Also, remember you don't always have to be completely head to toe in camo. If you want to mix a solid in there, just make sure it comes from the same color spectrum as your camo. (same browns, greens, whatever.)  My main objective in making you aware is that there will be less and less fashion faux pas out in the field. If there's one thing animals can smell it's a fashion disaster. True story. Why do you think I don't hunt?! They'd be so attracted to me I'd bag my limit in the first half hour. Ok, that's totally a lie, but it'll make you think next time you go hunting to match! You know it will.

What's your favorite type of camo/ favorite animal to hunt, manscapers? What will YOU be sporting this season?! Leave a comment and let me know!

I realize this has been a bit of a different post this week but it's a tribute to all things IDAHO that I love and miss from my home state/country. Sending well-wishes to all of you who will be leaving your wives to face the cold, early mornings of hunting this season. PLEASE stay safe and, as always, keep lookin' good!

If you have any suggestions for future posts/ things you'd like to know PLEASE comment/ email me at


Ok, just one last photo to leave you with in honor of my hunting bro. He was gearing up for hunting season by using his waders to work on some sprinkler projects.. Who can match which camo type he's wearing based on my descriptions?! Leave a comment! (also, jeff... Next time you match a shirt with your waders, use a neutral color found in the same palate as your camo. A beige, brown, or deep green would have worked great here. Just trying to help you out, bro. You stay sexy! ;) 


Monday, October 8, 2012

Hello, Gorgeous. GOODBYE, Snookie!

As we settle into the cooler months, I know most of us (except those fortunate enough to live in a tropical climate) will find the sunshine brutally snatched from our cold, lifeless fingertips. There will be less time spent playing sand volleyball, longboarding, and laying out in the sun and more time spent indoors curled up in front of the fire with a good cup of coffee/cocoa and the television on. Along with the cold and lack of a close, warm sun, most of us will experience a sudden, abrupt whitening of the skin. Although that is celebrated among many cultures, I for one like to have a nice healthy 'glow' throughout most of the year. That does not mean I'm looking for a 'Snookie Sheen,' I'd just prefer to not look as if I have recently come back from the dead to haunt all the people closest to me.

Keeping that in mind, I've read some HORRIBLE articles recently about the detrimental effects of tanning beds. I must confess the warm, saturating 'hug' of a tanning bed complete with the immediate and wonderful saturation of endorphins to the system (not to mention the golden glow) is incredibly enticing in the dead of winter but the harm VASTLY outweighs the good. I used to be a frequenter of bulb tanning beds throughout the winter months, but I must admit I am a changed man! Not only can tanning beds increase the risk for skin cancer, subjecting yourself to concentrated UV A&B rays found in beds can accelerate the aging and wrinkle forming process in the face, neck, and overall body skin. WHO WANTS THAT?! Not me...

Consider Exhibit A: I found this on the Facebook page of one of my favorite trainers (a certain Joey Gloor) and it has been burned into my retinas ever since. It was complete with this caption:

the story: this is what driving a truck for 28 years, having half of your face exposed to direct sunlight looks like. for those who tan, if not for skin cancer then for grand vanity's sake consider sprays instead, yeah?


Scarred a little bit? Hopefully you'll think next time before you go into a sun bed.

Now, Manscapers, I don't say this to have you all scarred about tanning beds and leave it at that. No, I have a solution.

Throughout my quest as a fashion blogger and someone who likes to look good, I have tried many different 'fake tan' techniques. I've tried everything from creams, lotions, and aerosol sprays to mystic, airbrush, and bed tans. Through all of these, I have never found better coverage and longevity than an air brushed spray tan. Best part about it? They match the color to your skin and it's instantaneous! (Ok, so that was two 'best' things. Deal with it.)

I sat down with two of my good friends from Purity Spa and Salon in Twin Falls, ID to discuss the benefits of an airbrush tan over mystic and bed tans. Let's say I left very enlightened.

Jacy Jackson Licensed Esthetician, and Tanja Valdez Owner and beauty expert gave me the 'skinny' on all things air brush.

At Purity Spa and Salon, they use a brand of airbrush tanning called Suntastic. The benefit of this tan is that it contains no red or orange dies, unlike mystic, so it will not turn your skin that horrible, blotchy orange color that we've all grown to be afraid of with sunless tanning products. (Hello, gorgeous. GOODBYE, Snookie!) It is a sugar-based, completely organic solution that does not contain any harsh chemicals. (This was HUGE for me to discover. I have many friends that are really conscious about what they put on their skin as it is absorbed into the blood stream immediately and would therefore never get a mystic tan. This is safe for everyone!) It is much healthier than UV exposure and will give you an immediate golden glo.

Another benefit of airbrush tan is that it keeps the skin hydrated so it won't get blotchy or crackly as it wears off. We all have seen horror stories of blotchy, faded orange skin as a fake tan wears off. Gross. While mystic just shoots streams of product at you, airbrush is applied by a professional who is able to hand spray the tan to perfection. (Including sculpting, cutting, and increased shadowing on the sides to make you look thinner throughout your mid section! Not even kidding. I was amazed when I first heard this. Jacy was even able to sculpt a little definition into my abs to make them more prominent. HEY-OH!)  Make sure you stay knowledgeable about airbrush tanning and don't be afraid to ask before you tan! Be certain that a licensed esthetician is applying your tan so they know what they're doing.

While you're at it, there is another treatment that I was unaware of that can cause your tan to last even longer! Jacy and Tonja introduced me to Purity's Hydration Station. (Pictured below)

This beauty contains your whole body, leaving just your head exposed for a complete hydration experience. It uses seven LED lights and distilled water steam to clean your pores, prep them for tan, promote healing, reduce acne, and hydrate. What could sound better, right!? I must say, I was a little apprehensive at first but once I walked out of the 20 minute treatment, my body felt completely rejuvenated. It helps to excite the melanocytes (the particles that absorb color in the skin) and prep them to absorb even more color. Fascinating, eh? Not to mention incredibly relaxing.

From there, Jacy was able to airbrush my skin to perfection. I already had quite a tan, so she used a fairly dark solution to give me a noticeable glow and tan.

Before and after pictures. Ready?? GO!


I know I look a little angry, but there you go. The shading is slightly different but you can clearly tell that my skin is LOADS darker.

after tan

There you have it. All you've ever needed to know (and hopefully a little more) about tanning. I know I've taken a slightly biased standpoint throwing airbrush tan in your face, but I encourage you to do some investigating for yourself. If you're thinking about a bed, think again! An airbrush tan is instant, effective, and mine lasted for a full two weeks with the Hydration Station treatment. 

HUGE thanks to Jacy Jackson, Tonja Valdez, and all the great staff at Purity Spa and Salon for hooking me up and educating me further. I encourage you all to find a spa in your area that gives great support, great products and a great experience.

Hope you're all keeping warm as the weather fades and as always, keep lookin' good! And maybe do some longboarding while you're at it (weather permitting of course. )

Monday, October 1, 2012

Take Time to Smell the Deodorant

Hey Manscapers,

Hope you've had a great week full of good looking moments. I'm sure you all have. Anyone try the top button button this week? I sure did!

I have a friend who hosts a "three months 'till Christmas' party every year on, you guessed it, September 25th. It's a great time to get together, break out those reds and greens, have some great food, see great friends, and listen to Christmas music early without feeling guilty. It's a tradition that's been going on in her family for years and the event has EXPLODED the last couple years. There is currently a waiting list for invitations, (this year we packed over 50 guests into their lovely home) and we're hoping to rent out a venue for next year's paloosa! Woah! Anyway, I thought that would be the perfect opportunity for me to 'practice what I preach' and break out the top button button!

Here are the results:


My friend Wes and I have a habit of 'photobombing' pictures by pulling our awkward face. Little did I know he decided this would be the perfect time to try it out! Great face, Wes.


It went over so well Tina and I decided to join in. *Notice the top button button complete with the v-neck sweater! It's a great look for the coming colder months*


AND finally, one with me and the 'Hostess with the Mostest!' My good friend, Tina Brooker, sure does know how to throw a great party! My thanks extend all the way to my blog, Tina!

And there you have it. Proof that I follow my own advice.

That being said, I think it's time we move onto this weeks topic: a leaf from the personal hygiene dept. Now, I know what you all are thinking, "now that we are all adults, he can't SERIOUSLY be giving us the talk about showering daily that our parents did when we were 14!" Well, gentleman, if the shoe fits! Okay, not really... But kind of! There is a pandemic spreading through the adult male world that I've just become rather acquainted with by accident: many adult men don't wear any deodorant!

Being someone who tends to be a little over zealous with my deodorant application, (I, personally, have a stick of deodorant in any messenger bag or backpack I carry around, in my desk at work, in my room, and in my car. You never know when you're going to need a top up!) I don't see how this could even be possible. I mean, you'd think after a while they would notice an unpleasant smell? Maybe some men just don't sweat? Whatever the answer is, I don't need to know. (or want to really...) All I know is I'm here to give you a pep talk and tell you what I do. Especially as we near the cooler months and you'll be spending more time indoors cuddled up (possibly) against someone special. I mean, I'm doing you AND all your current/ future relationships a favor here. Listen up.

Many men don't wear deodorant because they think that their daily shower will be enough. I hate to break it to you, gentlemen, but you continue to get dirty throughout your day. A shower in the morning or evening is a great way to cleanse your skin and even use a scented body wash to add a fresh scent, but unfortunately the effects will not last all day. You may not notice yourself perspiring throughout the day but it is the body's way of regulating temperature. Even walking outside for a short time can cause your body to produce sweat to adjust. It's a fact of life, people. That is why you must be prepared!

Another excuse I've heard is, "but if I'm wearing cologne, surely that will be good enough!" or. "I'm afraid the scent of my deodorant will clash with that of my cologne." I'm here to tell you that neither of those things are true. Yes, you may spray yourself so completely with cologne that you emanate scent like a car air freshener, but that doesn't mean your body odor won't be mixed in there. (Gross. If only you could see the faces I'm making writing this post. Scrunched up nose to the max!) Also, there are many deodorants that either have a light scent, no scent, or a scent that is fairly easy to blend with any cologne. Just as we all have different natural tastes in things like food, scent and applicator type of deodorant is something we all have to find our 'niche' in.

Don't let this overwhelm you. If you are on the side of 'heck no!' when it comes to deodorant, try it for a while. See how you feel (and how many compliments you get when people stand next to you and think you smell DELICIOUS!) If you hate one, try another one. You won't regret it. I can't tell you how many times people have commented on how great I smell on days I'm not even wearing any cologne. It's all in the deodorant, gents.


If you are just now warming up to the idea of a deodorant and feel a little like a fish out of water, let me make a suggestion to you. My favorite deodorant company has to be 'Degree.' They make great, long-lasting products and I have never found any other deodorant that not only lasts long but mixes so well with all the different colognes I wear. Never have the two scents clashed. I recommend you try it out. If you don't like it, try something new! It won't kill you, I promise. *It MAY attract all kinds of love interests, though. You have been warned!*

There you have it, Manscapers. My personal take on deodorant. What do you guys think? Also, what is your personal favorite when it comes to under arm scents?? Leave a comment below and let me know. Be sure to email me at with any other questions/comments/or ideas of things you'd like to see on the blog!

Great things are coming, Manscapers. Big news to be delivered soon! Watch this space.

Keep lookin' (and smellin') good!